What is Tantric Massage TMV ?

Classic Tantric massage TMV is a sensual touch ritual in which the entire body is lovingly touched and massaged. The ritual can provide access to deep feelings and relaxation, as well as an intensely sensual experience.

In Tantra philosophy, the body is considered the “temple of the soul”, to be honoured and respected. Each segment of the body is equally valuable and receives similar attention. Sexuality, life energy and spirituality are all closely related in this context.

The willingness of the recipient to fully engage in the perception of one’s own feelings is an essential element of a Tantric massage – a journey through the body and with the body.

Every massage is unique and follows the flow of energy. Giving and receiving are kept clearly separate. It is about trusting the clear guidance of the massaging person and enjoying the opportunity of letting go completely.

Initially it is an unaccustomed experience for many people to allow enough space to be lovingly touched by another person without being active oneself.

I am very attentive to personal boundaries – including my own – and it is important to clarify this in the preliminary conversation before a massage begins.

The massage ritual provides a deep experience for women, men or couples, supporting access to their own sexual energy and sensuality.

In my massage work I follow the criteria of the Tantric Massage Association (TMV®e.V.).


Ute Himmelsbach
Relaks Massagen
Bühler Straße 47
66130 Saarbrücken
Phone: 0174 / 308 37 83